Dynamics NAV 2016 VM on the "new" Azure portal?

I have previously many times created virtual machines on Microsoft Azure, using the prebuild NAV vm’s.

Now lately I tried to do it using the new a https://portal.azure.com (opposed to the classic at https//manage.windowsazure.com).

The NAV part works fine, after running the Initialize Virtual Machine, then it doesn’t work. At least not using the external access using the Web Client to the VM. Whereas it worked fine when created with the classic portal.

And I did setup the same end-points on both. So it’s supposed to work.

Did anyone try it success using the new portal?

Yes, It works. I just created a machine called fknavtest.
Public DNS name (Cloud Service name question in initialize) is fknavtest.westeurope.cloudapp.azure.com
After initialize - fknavtest.westeurope.cloudapp.azure.com works.

I used http://aka.ms/NAVDeploy - it will deploy the latest NAV 2016 version and open all the necessary endpoints and create a DNS name for the VM - after this you just need to run the initialize VM script.

If you use http://aka.ms/NAVDemoDeploy, it will create a complete demo environment with O365 integration and all.

The “source” for these deployment manifests can be found at github.com/NAVDEMO.

Thanks Freddy! Yes love the demo scripts. Works great with the “classic”, so gave up trying using the new. And I tried a couple of times. Had some troubles finding the place to set the endpoints, so it might be where the issue were, although the regular http worked.
You said the “latest”, how fast after a Cumulative Update is released till it’s on Azure? Noticed the server I created yesterday had CU6, which is two releases old.

Yeah - we had some issues with CU7.
Normally the CU’s will be in the Azure Gallery within one week.
CU7 will be available one of the next days and CU8 a few days after that.
BTW - In CU7 and beyond the mechanism for creating SharePoint Portal in the scripts has been rewritten to become much more reusable.