Dynamically disable Add/Edit/Delete for the pages based on a settings page value


I want to have a settings page in which I can setup which pages can be allowed to Add/Edit/Delete.

Eg. Item Add/edit allowed: yes/no

Category Add/edit allowed: yes/no

ect. Based on these values I want the pages to allow New/Edit/Delete options.

Is this kind of settings based enabling is possible? Kindly give me some suggestions.

Thanks and regards.

Hi, I think it is possible.

Hope this will help.


Zhu Yun, Thanks so much pointing to right link. Almost 80% of what I had wanted. Is it possible to disable editing from the View Record mode as well? Also I am looking for a way to hide New/Delete buttons from the Customer List page. Please do let me know if it is possible to do without editing the user permissions.

Thanks and Regards

Sorry, my understanding is not complete. If you want to hide the New/Delete/Edit button on the default page, I don’t think that’s possible on SaaS. Because the following three properties cannot be customized.

But you can prevent users from deleting, inserting, and modifying. You don’t need to do any development, just change their permission set to the users.

This is a very simple example, hope this will help so.


Thankyou Zhu Yun. In that case I will use the permission set to manage. Your response is very much appreciated. [emoticon:4baf9c67c1b843c6b4ddedea33023652]