I’ve just installed a new add for Snitz that will change the way some of you look today [8D]. Until now the number of STARS has been set on a fixed level. In the future it will follow this rule: Level 0: 0 Posts Level 1: 50 Posts Level 2: 1/4th of the highest poster’s post count Level 3: 1/2 of the highest poster’s post count Level 4: 3/4ths of the highest poster’s post count Level 5: Highest Poster Only. This way we will only have one member with 5 stars…
So I lost two stars [:(]
You poor guy!
Erik is going to have to stop posting…We’ll never be able to keep up. [:D]
[:D] Its so easy for you Ivory Tower dwellers to wipe out all the good work of us minions with a simple sweep of a hand [;)]
I wonder how many I have now…[?] Only one…ouch![B)]
Apparently this also affects your title, if you selected “Member type”::Other. But i don’t mind being a “New member” :-)…
Isn’t this kinda like electing yourself president? Of course…I guess you deserve it!
What’s then the deal with the different colors of the stars
hi can you please explain me what all this is about and now what are the Total Points. I had 3 stars now its one, how come? please explain thank you
Originally posted by vpednekar
can you please explain me what all this is about and now what are the Total Points.
See this thread: http://www.mbsonline.org/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=11731&SearchTerms=Total+Points.
I had 3 stars now its one, how come?
When you scroll up, you’ll see the answer. Smart move from ‘the five-star men’ Erik. [;)]
Hmmmm! 436 for 2 Stars & 872 for 3 stars better get posting star gazers. ***** < 5 stars [:p]
good ol’ one star…
do’t know if I am still a STAR rgds, anuj