Down Payment

If i already pay down payment for vendor A before i receive the invoice.

THen when i want to pay the invoice , how can the invoice can related to the down payment that already i paid.

So when i want to pay for Vendor A’s invoice, total payment = the total invoice - down payment

Add the fields Applies to Type and Applies To ID to the Vendor Invoice or Order form (depends which one you use) in these fields enter the Type (payment) and the ID (the check number) of the down payment. NAV will automatically apply it and deduct on the next check run. (During get vendor payments)

  1. I still don’t understand what should i do

So in payment journal when i want to pay the invoice, i should select the Applies to Type with Invoice and Applies to Doc No with the Invoice no . Is it right?

Then in which field i should apply the down payment?

  1. Sometime when i post payment that have wht, navision will show error message “Inconsistency G/L Entry”. But sometime i can post the payment. What is the caused?

then when post the payment in G/L entry there is an account for the revolving credit. In which form setup the account?

No, just do exactly what I said:

You add the fields to the Purch Invoice or Purchase Order form, and populate them when you post the invoice.


Are those standard fields from NAV ? Can you put some prints?

I tried to had those fields, but couldn’t find them. Can you help me?

Many thanks.