Does not display shipments after #9999

We have reached 10,000 shipments and anything after 10,000 has been shipped.

Unfortunately when we go into our Posted Shipments, we cannot view anything past Posted Shipment #9999.

We are using 4.0. I have double checked the No. Series table to verify that we are allowed to continue past 9999 and the End No. is blank.

Thank you!!

Nevermind, we just figured it out. [:$]

End. no. shouldn’t be blank. Fill with the last no. in series. Can you tell me starting No. series?
You can’t post or you can’t see? Do you have a applied filter?

ok [;)]

Let me guess.

You were doing F5 and looking at the end, but the Shipments were at the begining:

Unfortunately this is always going to be a problem, and its hard to fix. Thats why its very important to carefully think through number series in the begining.

By the way, one thing you can do is have your partner add code to the list form:


Presumably on SQL and it was how SQL was displaying the list. [:D]

The problem of having diffrent display order in SQL and native.

Hey Jenny, could you let us know what it was in the end.

The simple solution is to just sort the form by posting date. This way, if the user goes to the end, it’ll display the latest shipment record.

Yes this is exactly what happened. I totally forgot that Navision does this (its been that long since we hit the marker point).

Hmm…I’ll check out that sort by date, that probably would be less confusing. Thanks!