DIXF error in bindata.loadfile(filename)

i get in error in loadfile

have you any idea to resolve this error?

No, unfortunately we can’t help you if you don’t tell us what error you get and where.

Hi martin ok you are right

the error in DmfStagingWriter.compresscopyfile()

public server static boolean compressCopyFile(str _fileName, str _newFileName, boolean _overwrite = false)
BinData binData;
BinData bCopy = new BinData();
container c;
int s, offset, pSize = 30000;

if (winapiserver::fileExists(_fileName))
binData = new BinData();


s = binData.size();
while (offset < s)
if ((s-offset) > pSize)
offset += pSize;
offset += s-offset;
c = bCopy.getData();
DMFStagingWriter::decompressWriteFile(c,_newFileName, (offset == s) );

return true;

What error do you get and at which line? What you’re doing when you get the error? Did it work before and if so, what has changed since then?

Also, please use Insert > Insert Code to paste source code. It’ll preserve indentation.

Hi martin

i get this error

Hi martin i resolve the error of permission i add permission

but unfortenately i get this error
