Display VariantId from InventDimCombination *in form (On hand List)

I am trying to get InventDimId , ItemId in form ( On Hand List ) but on this form I can’t connect between itemId and InventDimId , when I pass inventDimId only it gives a wrong values I need to get itemId in InventSum or in inventTable but no thing connected to InventDimId
So How can I do it ?

Please give us (much) more information about your problem.

But… isn’t it the same thing we discussed in Dynamics Community forum?

Yes , but you didn’t help me to how can I get itemId in inventDim , I told you that InventDimId in InventSum doesn’t has values so I don’t know how to connect between them

All right, so here is the link, so people can get at some idea what you actually need and we don’t have repeat the whole discussion again.

It’s great you accepted the problem I pointed out to. Unfortunately I wasn’t aware of your reply, because Dynamics Community site still lacks notifications. I’ll reply to you there when I have time to look at your business requirements.