
Hi everybody

someone please explain what is meant by

“There are no active price search dimensions” in Trade agreement



Is your item consists of any dimensions? check your dimension group? in your dimension group configuration,size, color checked or unchecked.



From where i can check my dimension groups?


Hi Artata,

Goto Inventory management> Setup> Dimensions> Dimension groups. OR

Inventory Management > Item > Goto General (tab) … Dimension group field > Right click > Goto Main table. It will open that particular Dimension group which you have specified in the Item form.



I had checked the dimension groups.

Here configuration,size and units are selected in the upper pane. warehouse and site are selected in the lower pane

Now please guide are these dimensions necessary in trade agreement?

Please answer my one more question.

In trade agreement I have to select Account Code as Table, Group or All?

in lower side after currency what to select Table, Group or All?



Yes its necessary if you select TABLE in the Trade agreements. Once you select Table then you need to mention the Item and its configuration,size,color (if you selected this also in your Dimension group) and the Quantity, Discount.

Remember one thing. if you specify value in the Discount field, it will be calculated on EACH item as i told you in earlier posts also. And if your specifying the Disc.%1 and Disc.%2 then it will be calculated as discount applied one by one on the amount. (Quantity * Price) on the SO or PO line.

Table : it will select only particular item

Group: it will select the Item group.

All: it will be applicable for all items.



If I select All in both places in Trade Agreement than I has no use of Dimension?



It won’t need any dimensions to mention because you have selected ALL so it means it will be applicable for all items.


Look at the use dimensions in price search on the dimension group. If you set these and do not in the trade agreement you get a warning, the system telling you there are no active dimensions in the price search really means there are no issues.