Database Logging-
Can someone please help?
I deleted some logs from the InventTrans table and ran the report to see the deletion of the logs… I have done this multiple times and cannot get this to work. how do I set up correctly and where can I check these logs
I also have questions on Database log form-
What is the difference between signature controlled and Audit Trail. and how to enable them what is the setup???
Thank you so much!
What are you talking about? InventTrans table hold inventory transactions, not logs. And which form you’re talking about? Please realize that we can’t read your mind; you have to write information down.
Database logging can be configured under Administration > Setup > Database Log, you can see logs under Administration > Inquires > Database Log (if I remember AX 2009 correctly).
2nd part I am referring to the database log form there are 2 fields audit trail field and signature controlled field can you advise what they mean and how they are setup to be enabled??? In ax2009?
1st part I cannot get the database log history to record any transactions I am changing can you please provide me with the steps how to correctly set this up data base log in ax 2009??so that I can record any changes I make any example is fine thank you
Please consult documentation for introduction to DB logging, and you’ll find plenty of examples on internet (e.g. this one). You can use a search engine for that. Use this forum when you have a particular problem or looking for something that is 't documented.
I would not have asked if I can find it else where…However the link you provided is for 2012…I already read this…I am asking about AX 2009…
I see now how to setup the database log but again I am not clear as to what the signature controlled field and Audit trail field is on the database log form and how I can enable them…can you help with that if you go to admin-database log setup you will see the two fields I am referring to??
(Un)fortunately I don’t have such an old version of AX.
I see only Signature controlled field in AX 2012, but it should have the same meaning in AX 2009, therefore reading the documentation would be a good idea.
If you’re not familiar with electronic signatures in AX, read Generic electronic signatures (this time, I explicitly found old AX 2009 documentation for you, instead referring to the latest one).