D365 Demo environment requirements

Hi. I want to setup a demo environment for D365 F&O. I bough the license and created in project in LCS. Is it mandatory to run a VM in Azure to enable my environment?

No, you don’t have to deploy the environment to Azure. If you prefer using your own hardware, you can download a VHD file for the environment and create a virtual machine locally. See Deploy and access development environments > VM that is running locally.

Ok thanks, but if i go Azure, what is the best options for a Demo environment.

Is a VM mandatory , what are normally used for the Trial versions.


Yes, deploying a demo environment means deploying a VM, therefore a VM is mandatory. Your only choices are having the VM hosted by Microsoft (buying an add-on), hosting it in your own Azure subscription or hosting it locally.

Thank you. Where can i get more info on “Your only choices are having the VM hosted by Microsoft (buying an add-on)”

Look at Environment planning page in D365FO documentation; it’ll give you an introduction to environments.

Thanks for the answers.