I’ve gotten help on accessing Cuteftp using an automation server. Here is what I am using: IF CREATE(cuteftpaut) THEN MESSAGE(‘create worked’); cuteftpaut.Host := myhost; cuteftpaut.Login := mylogin; cuteftpaut.Password := mypassword; cuteftpaut.Connect; cuteftpaut.LocalFolder := mylocalfolder; cuteftpaut.RemoteFolder := myremotefolder; cuteftpaut.Upload := myfile; cuteftpaut.Disconnect; CLEAR(cuteftpaut); As soon as I run this I get an hour glass which tells me the automation server variable isn’t being created. Could this be because I am behind a firewall? Or could it be because I am running the trial version?

You code should work just fine even with the trial version. One thing though. I don’t think You should use disconnect that way. I think that statement interupts the transfer. There are good technical help regarding this on Look under “scripting”