Customer Aging Report

Hi All

Can you explain me the concept behind the Customer aging report and its base functionality and in terms of AX this report is based on what factors and how it is calculated.

What i understand is, it is the report which give us the pending amount from the customer in particular time periods (buckets). Does this report generated on the base of the invoice date or due date. eg. i invoice one sales order on 1 nov and my due date is 30 days so this invoice amount will come in nov or dec bucket. What if define the term of payment, will it check first the term of payment from the customer master.etc etc.

please advise me in this.

As per my knowledge Aging report has no relation with Terms of Payment, instead it goes by unsettled transactions. Based on criteria given on report dialog generates and transactions are placed in respective buckets.

No No it check the TOP also, because it work on the due date rather we have three option (transaction, due date, document date) to select.

While generating AX does not refer the terms of payment rather it looks for due date saved at customer transactions. I remember once we had debugged the logic of this report It refers only unsettled transactions/ open transactions.

The three dates can all be different, and the report buckets the debt based upon the date and buckets chosen. So if you want to look at due date of the debt in 30 day buckets you run it in this manner. It is used to help understand debt.

Hi Sachin ,

I have created a new customer , post invoice . After some days i have received the payment partially.

My question is in which table Invoice transaction and payment transaction would stored ?

Is there any field available to know the this is invoice transactions and payment transaction ?

What is the link between the Invoice transaction and Payment transaction in the table level ?

How i would know this payment has done against this invoice at the table level ?

Can you share the table names and field name ?

Thanks in advance.

Each transaction (invoice, payment, and so on) is represented by one record in the CustTrans table.

CustTransOpen contains one or more records for all transactions in CustTrans that are not completely settled against other transactions. The relation between CustTransOpen and CustTrans is made by the RefRecId in CustTransOpen that is a foreign key to the RecId of the related CustTrans.

CustSettlement contains information about settlement between transactions in CustTrans. The record refers to the two transactions (TransRecId and OffsetRecId) and specifies the amount settled between the two transactions. The information includes the date of the settlement. This makes it possible to backdate or future date a transaction’s settlement status in CustTrans.

Thanks Tiwari for your awesome explanation . :slight_smile:

Still i am not clear about the cust Trans open , would you explain with an example ?

Does the Table structure is same for vendors also ?

What is the difference between General Journal Entry Vs General Journal Account Entry ?

Thanks in advance.


Due date is coming from the TOP na, so i think Aging report depend on TOP

The due date is written to the invoice, the report uses this date. This date is written FROM the TOP expressed on the customer and order, but it does not look at the standard TOP, it looks at the due date. So it is one step away and not directly referenced.

Due Date is calculated as per Terms of Payment selected on transaction and saved with transactions in transaction table.

Aging report fetches the data from transactions tables based on input criteria.

It doesn’t look for terms of payment and calculation of due date at Runtime.