csv file

How would I go about exporting a csv file (comma seperated variable) in Navision and importing one in? I am trying to tie in UPS Worldship software to Navision.

To import/export text files, Navision has Dataports that simplify the task. You need a license that allows you to design Dataports.

I presume you have created a Dataport. ONce you have done that, all you have to do is when exporting it out choose *.csv as the output file. When trying to import it you can just inport it straight away using the dataport

Harry , please let me know what version of the UPS software you have. We also need to automate that thanks


Originally posted by Harry Williams
How would I go about exporting a csv file (comma seperated variable) in Navision and importing one in? I am trying to tie in UPS Worldship software to Navision.

actually depending on your requirements, eShip may be the solution. www.lanhamassoc.com