Corrogated Packaging Industry

Does anyone know of a Navision customer using manufacturing that is in the Corrogated Packaging Industry. I’m Looking for references in this vertical. If not, is anyone familiar with the corrogated packaging and would know if Navision Manufacturing will work in this industry? What would be some of the hurdles using Navision Manufacturing in this type of industry. I greatly appreciate feedback. - Thanks

Hey Tom, what are the specific areas of the Corrogated Packaging Industry that you are concerned with?

My concerns are in the are of manufacturing. How well does the Navision production order fit the process of manufacturing corrogated boxes. Isn’t this a process type business verses a discrete manufacturing? Our prospect is looking for a ERP package to fit this specific vertical market. Is it worth our time to pursue or are their specific ERP packages that excel in this area? - thks TPT

We have a certified add-on that should fit all companies in the graphic industry. I have send you an e-mail through the forum.

Axapta has a good vertical for packging industry, i have seen its demo. it is exactly for this kind of requirement. Regards, Anuj

I actually meant CORRUGATED packaging. Spelling was never one of my strenghts. At least now if someone searches with the correct spelling they can find there is an add-on called NG Graphic suited for this vertical. Thank you too Preben Rasmussen -