Correct a sales order


I’ve got a problem and can’t find a solution.

I’ve set up a a sales order with 10 pieces of an item. I’ve shipped and invoiced five pieces in same batch. Now I realize I’ve made a mistake. Therefore I make a sales credit memo - by copying the original invoice - and post it. Almost everything is corrected as I want it to be except for my sales order. It tells me that I still have shipped and invoiced 5 pieces.

It’s not correct since I’ve posted the credit memo. Debtor, item, legder and so on is correct. Why doesn’t the system correct my sales order? And does anyone know a way to make it work?

Best regards


Posted documents will NEVER be changed.

It is correct if it shows the same state - 5 pcs shipped & invoiced. And that MUST remain so, as correction is done by CM, if the SO had been changed, too, you end up with un-shipping & un-invoicing TWICE.

Therefore, it works as intended, no errors here.

Hi Modris,

Thanks for your quick reply.

If I get you right this means that there is no way of showing the actual status of the sales order. I mean - actually I’ve withdrawn the five pieces - my item card is corrected by the numer. But my sales order tells me that the costumer has received the five pieces which is not the case.

I’m quite sure it’s not a bug - but still I miss an overview of my sales order. I realize that you can correct the order as long as you don’t invoice by the batch “Undo Shipment” but in my case it doesn’t work since the order line is shipped and invoiced in same batch.

Do you know if it’s possible to get an overview of the order?

Best regards


Don’t forget that you have a Credit memo that tells the Customer has RETURNED 5pcs, too! That hasn’t happened in real life, too, as well as the shipment.

Treat these two transactions as an errorenous entry of shipment and it’s correction, what they actually are. No serious ERP system allows deleting of entries which are posted, the only way to correct is entering an opposite entry.
In accounting world it is called STORNO, sometimes done as negative Db / positive Cr entry (in that manner you do not grow turnower, but correct balances are maintained) and was used even B.C. (Before Computers in this case). Accounting rules does not permit erasing entries, all mistakes must be traceable by auditors.

When you found your error and created a CM to correct it, now forget about these two docs, both the SO & CM. Create a NEW correct SO, which will reflect he actual transaction done. So you’ll comply with all accounting rules.