confirm a new purchase order

Hi every body,

I set a new AX 2012

and after the creation of an order (purchase ordre), I can not confirm the tab: purchase, the icon (confirm) is gray!

My friend has set the finances and we set up together a workflow for the submission, but there is nothing!

The icon is grey !

Réquisition orders are grey too ??

is there a spécific action to do during configuration of a new AX 2012 R2?

Thank’s in advance


Configure the workflow not to be called for a vendor - load the PO and you will be able to confirm it. This will show it is the workflow status that is preventing the confirmation, until the workflow is approved you cannot confirm - what is the status?

Hi, thank’s for the answer,

The status of all PO created are draft (not confirmed yet) with or with out workflow ! we can’t confirm the PO created, and we don’t know where is the problem?

Also requisition purchase are grey too, not enabled for use, is there some setting to change to active all this? or shall I create some thing in administration or else for that?

Company ID, providers, customers, users, are created !

If the change management (In procurement parameters) is activated, then it has to go through the work flow.

change management (In procurement parameters) is activated !

Remove it if you don’t want to drive the purchase order through workflow.

Once changed check the vendor is not configured to override it and then create a NEW purchase order.

thank’s I 'll try this and tel you the results

Thank’s every body, I will try this on sunday, because friday ans saturday are the week end in Algéria, after trying i will give u résults.

Thank’s every body, it works perfectly, I disabled change management (In procurement parameters)and I created a new PO.

Hi Kranthi, please tell me One thing …why do we confirm a sales order or purchase order in ax 2012.


Sachin chauhan