Comdlg32 ocx license error

i have registered the comdlg32.ocx for use in navision. but when i try to use it, it gave me an error. the error as follows: The OLE control or Automation server identified by {XXXXX} requires a design time license. this license cannot be obtained. Make sure that the OLE control or automation server is intalled with the appropriate license. as far as i am concerned, i am using a navision developer license. shouldn’t that be enough to run the comdlg32.ocx?

Hi jordan… I am facing the same problem, I had two errors infact , if i chose to register and use the comdlg32.ocx from c:\program files\navision attain\client\wi… it wud give me the error that you have mentioned above, but if i chose to register and use the same file from another fin application not installed but just copied from the product cd i wud get the error “The Library cannot be loaded”… Looking for someone to help me out. thx venax

Guys, ComDlg32.ocx is normally installed via VB6, Office Dev tools, etc. Probably why you are getting the license error. MSDN has several articles as well as Bill

You need to have one of Microsoft development tools set up on the machine. Any VB or C will do. The message refers to the Microsoft’s developer license. Regards, Alex

Hi! We have this problem, too … [:(!] Alex:


You need to have one of Microsoft development tools set up on the machine. Any VB or C will do. The message refers to the Microsoft’s developer license.

Does this mean, that only the “Developing”-PC needs that kind of program (which wouldn’t be a problem) for creating the object or also the “Executing”-PCs need that (which would be a big problem) for running the object?

Joerg: MS Lincese is only needed to compile the object, so you only need it on the developing PC. If I remember it correctly, you can re-compile it on the machine WITHOUT (!) that license. That means, you can create a skeleton report / dataport / form with COMMDLG OCX, on the machine that has VB, save-and-compile it, then export the objects as FOBs and replicate them as you need new functions. This only worked with FOBs though, not with TXT exports. So, you may actually borrow your friend’s machine to do the skeletons then, you just use them on yours. Cheers. Alex


Originally posted by AlexZ
Joerg: MS Lincese is only needed to compile the object, so you only need it on the developing PC. If I remember it correctly, you can re-compile it on the machine WITHOUT (!) that license. That means, you can create a skeleton report / dataport / form with COMMDLG OCX, on the machine that has VB, save-and-compile it, then export the objects as FOBs and replicate them as you need new functions. This only worked with FOBs though, not with TXT exports. So, you may actually borrow your friend’s machine to do the skeletons then, you just use them on yours. Cheers. Alex

You can also use Codeunit 412 Common Dialog Management in Navision Attain 3.60 or you can copy CommonDialogControl Automation variable from this one and paste it into your object.

A design time license for the use of an OCX takes the form of a registry key under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Licenses. Note that copying these keys may be a violation of established copyrights. Don’t forget to restart your Navision client before trying again.

Not a nice one, but:"comdlg32.ocx"+%26+"HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Licenses"&hl=no&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&selm=exnoo0a9%23GA.346%40cpmsnbbsa05&rnum=2 Dave

Well, I just used the post from David to go to that article and solve my problem on my new server. However, i guess I could have also solved it if I installed ms-excel on the server as well. This way I would have VB iinstalled. I guess I will do it anyway because of table 370. Cheers, Joao