Closing Open Purchase Orders

Hi. First of all, I am very glad I found this site. Have been having some issues lately and am very appreciative for the help. I have also spent a lot of time in and around the program and can hopefully offer some useful insights.

We have a couple dozen purchase orders “open” on the system. From what I know, the path is usually…

  1. Create new purchase order.

  2. In lines, ensure quantity to recieve is 1 (or whatever ordered)

  3. Post order, at which point, will create a purchase reciept as well as a posted purchase invoice.

It is doing all of this, however the purchase orders are remaining “open” even after posting. NAV then says that there is nothing to post if you try again. Are these open orders going to create accounting issues? And, is there any way to resolve this issue? Thank you in advance for any assistance anyone can provide.


Run the periodic job in Admin to close purchase orders. Cannot even remember how it works now, but fully received and invoiced disappear from memory, although there may now be a parameter setting - I have no access to check. Try the batch job and see.