I need to change the number of decimal places , but there are already g/l entries, and there is a test for entries blocking me fom doing so cause of these entries. my quesiton is what would be the consequences if i removed the test and proceded with the modification. (the exact field is called “Amount rounding precision” - General ledger Setup) I am changing from 0.01 to 0.001
“Amount Rounding Precision” field will affect whole system calculation of rounding total amount (In sales module, purchase module, job module…etc). Especially when u run adjust cost-item entries, the amount after adjustment mayb bcome inaccurate. For my advise, better dun change it. Juz my opinion, any mistake pls correct me. thanks.
colingbradley wrote the following post at 02-07-2007 3:40:
Would you like to share why you want to change the rounding precision
if you have rounding precision 0.01 and you are using a 3 decimal place curr, then if you have a value for example 0.999 this will give you 1.000 which is incorrect, BUT if you had rounding precision of 0.001 then the value will remain 0.999 which is correct.
It is possible to change rounding, but by no means is it a simple case of just “Removing the error message” In your particular case, its safer to expand rounding than to reduce it, but as Colin asks, WHY are you doing this. Is it because you have a currency that has three decimal places? If in fact your currency is 2 decimals, DO NOT change it, as it will cause a lot of errors down the line.
The fact that you have a number 0.999 and want to keep it that way does not mean that it is right. Why don’t you want this to round to 1.00
Yes but why? You can’t destroy the database just because the client wants it destroyed. believe me, in a few months time when they start having problems they will totally forget that they told you to do it.