Change length of a field in table.

Hello, I want to change the length of a few fields in the customer table (and vendor table) from standard 30 to 100. I know it will give some problems because the same fields are used in other tables, forms and reports etc. I found the field finder tool (Almost the same as creating a new form based on the table Field). With this tool it is easy to change the length of all the fields with the same description in the database. Does anybody know if this is really so easy as it seems to change all fields with the same name from 30 to 100? Or does it have more consequences? Can anybody give me advice? Thanks.

Hi Thijs, Change the length of any field in Navision is dangerous. Maybe you can change the length of the fields with the same name and you don’t have any problem, but it’s not sure. - Could happen that the program uses some variables to store the value of these fields in some objects and you have to change its length. - In some objects, you can find a reference to the field you want to change, but with different names (Ex: At table “Customer”, field “name” and at table “sales line”, field “Ship-to Customer Name”) - If the field you would change is a part of the table’s primary key, maybe you have some problems because the relationships defined in other tables (I thing this is not your case because i think you’re trying to change the text fields of table customer, isn’t it? Well, as you can see, there is a lot of problems when you want to change the length of any field in Navision and I allways recommend to the customers to create a new field in the table to complete the information of the fields. I hope that this helps you and sorry for my english. Best Regards

It’s not so easy :frowning: The value of the field can be assigned to variable, also it can be assigned to field with different description. And if lenth there will be only 30 - you’ll get error.

Hi Thijs, as Miguel and Viktoras pointed out, it is not that easy, on the other hand, as long as you do not change primary keys it should be feasable. I guess you want to increase field length of fields like name, name 2, adress, adress 2 (which are really short with only 30 characters) which are used all over the sales and purchase process (mainly T36, 38, 167, and all the posted headers and lines 110 - 125). Do not forget to change C365 Format Address, which is almost the most difficult part to change and all the related reports!!! Thorough testing is absolutely necessary. Saludos Nils

Use a cross-reference tool such as the Navision Developer’s Toolkit (can be found on the Navision Tools CD) to find where the fields you want to change are used in the application objects.