Cash Application

In our industry it is quite common for invoices (lots and lots of invoices) to be short paid or even over paid. Additionally, deductions are common for advertising allowances, etc. and generally these are separate line items on the remittance advice. I’ve found Navision to be kind of a pain in this area. I put something together when we converted to Navision 2.6 but now we’re moving to 3.7. I really don’t want to use my modifications becuase they really don’t handle the transactions the way I want and the customer statistics get messed up. Is there an add-on out there that will handle this? Before you say yes, what I really want is something that will allow us to “over apply” an invoice (i.e. Original Amount = $1,000, Remaining Amount = -$50) without jumping through hoops. Basically, I envision the data entry to be a recap of the remittance advice and the add-on handle the application for the end user. Thanks in advance.

Why would you want to overapply? Can’t you leave the amount on the payment open or just create a new invoice for the difference?

i’m not sure if version 3.7 hadnles it, but “payment tolerance” functionality might help in your case.

it is made to automatically post the short payment-overpayment within a certain range to certain accounts sepcified in the setup.

No that is new functionality, its not in 3.70, but for sure its the correct way to go.