Cant debug in x++

Hello All,

i have the ‘Execute business operations in CIL’ check box checked under the Tool/Options/Development but for some reason I don’t see the debugger picking up the on the server or called from classes. It was debugging before I just had my DEV machine refreshed with the production copy and something got changed and doesn’t debug it now. When I put the debugging break point in the forms’t init method it does stop there but it doesn’t do on the classes. We are using AX 20-12 R3 CU12. Am I missing something?



You said you have ‘Execute business operations in CIL’ checked but it’s not clear whether you’re trying to debug something running in CIL or not.

If yes, are you using the right debugger? CIL can’t be debugged with the X++ debugger; you must use Visual Studio instead.

If not, then the checkbox is irrelevant. It seems that you don’t debugging allowed in the configuration of your AOS.

Hi Martin,

I am just debugging x++ code that may be running on the server or on the client (called from). Like you said the Execute business operations in CIL may not have any effect in my current scenario. I was able to debug the same classed before. I just checked Micrsosoft Dynamics AX Configuration Utility under the Developer tab I do see the two check boxes checked. Are you referring to that?

I mean Enable breakpoints to debug X++ code running on this server in server configuration utility (see documentation for details).

You didn’t say which checkboxes you mean, therefore I can’t know whether you’re talking about the same thing or not. Please try to be more specific next time