Cannot receive quantity xx because inventory transactions with status Ordered, Arrived or Registered are insufficient.


I am getting this error - “Cannot receive quantity 75.00 because inventory transactions with status Ordered, Arrived or Registered are insufficient.” while product receipt in purchase order.

Can anyone please suggest me solution.


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Seems there is something wrong with your inventory trans. Please post us the screen shot of inventory trans.

whenever you are receiving the quantity, your inventory trans should show the quantity in one of these statuses “Ordered, arrived or registered”

In your case, check whether you have 75 quantity in the status of “ordered/registered”

The Inventory transactions are empty. Transactions are not getting created. Please suggest what needs to be done.

What is your PO “Approval status”. In AX2012 when PO approval status is approved then only the trans will be created.

Also, pls check whether your item model group has “stocked product” unchecked.

Hi Santhosh,

PO is Approved and current status is confirmed.

Why to uncheck stocked product checkbox ? when it is a stocked product.



sorry samanth, my intention was to ensure that is checked.

what is the Quantity of this Line? and by chance anyone cancelled the delivery remainder? Also, is it the only line in the order?

Hi santhosh,

Quantity is 7 for this line. and there are 30 lines. delivery remainder is not cancelled. This problem is not happening for all POs. and don’t know why it is happening for some POs.



Are the problem PO’s being created by a person keying the line into the software?

Dear Samanth,

please can you share your screen via team viewer may be we can solve this issue.

In inventory and warehouse module check:

  1. Your pallet transports form to ensure there aren’t any outstanding transports

  2. Output orders to see if there are any open output orders for the item

  3. Check item model group in setup: Is the “registration requirements” check box selected?

  4. Check the item arrival journal to make sure there is not an open journal for the PO

Let me know if it is one of the above items.

Hi Mike,

I have checked what you adviced and found.

  1. Pallet transports - empty.

  2. no open output orders for the item.

  3. registration requirements - unchecked.

  4. no open item arrival journal.

But however i found a temporary solution.

Delete the lines and create them again and run the approval process again. Then the transactions are getting created.

But as i said it is a temporary solution. we can’t do this for every PO.



The temporary solution may be taken as suggested solution because these kind of errors would happen due to improper transaction statuses sitting on inventory transactions which fall out of the case.

One such issue: has been sorted out very recently in the similar way. I think the occurrence of this problem is minimal so can debug and check what might have messed up and change it accordingly.

Hye All,

I have faced exactly the same issue with the client and gave the same temporary resolution to them as mentioned by Samanth.

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