Cannot create a record in Global address book (DirPartyTable). Party ID: 000000xxx, xxxx. The record already exists.

I am getting the following error while creating new vendor in AX 2012 RC:

Cannot create a record in Global address book (DirPartyTable). Party ID: 000000525, asd.

The record already exists.

I have tried everything with the number sequence setup and also restarted the AOS but still facing same issue. Can any one provide a solution for this?


The issue has been resolved. It was appearing when system was trying to insert record in the DirPerson table which is extending DirPartyTable, and the PartyNumber in DirPerson was lesser than the PartyNumber in DirPartyTable. I changed the Next value in the Address book number sequence to DirPartyTable.PartyNumber value + 1, which resolved the issue.

Thanks that also helps me :slight_smile: