Cannot access fin.flf license file when I close NAV


Iam using navision 2009 in windows vista Home Basic.

My problem is each time i close the navision and open it again iam getting error as " The Operating System Cannot access the file C:\program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\Classic\Fin.flf "

Verify that the file type and attributes are correct.

So each and every time i open navision iam importing the license info. I have saved that file on desktop.

Plz tell me if i made any mistakes

Thank u

That file path you gave seems to be missing the \60\ did you just mistype it? For me the path is C:\program files\microsoft dynamics nav\60\Classic\

Are you trying to run using the demo license CRONUS.flf?

On my install I only have a CRONUS.flf in this directory so I am not sure why it is asking for a FIN.flf

Try copying your CRONUS.flf file and renaming as fin.flf to see if this fixes the issue.

Vista controls access to …/Program Files/… and not-Admin user has VERY limited rights there.

If you connect as single user directly to Native DB, try putting the .flf where .zup “lives” - in X:\Documents and Settings*your_user_name*\Application Data
If Native DB through server or SQL DB - upload the .flf to database.