Can i use CFRONT in ASP?

Can i use C/FRONT OCX within ASP? In VB all works fine but when i trying to do same code in ASP then it fails. Why? May be some permissions are required (Attain3.01+WinXP+IIS5.1, IIS is updated by IISLockD tool). ASP fails on line: cf.ConnectServer(“ATTAIN_SERVER”,“tcp”) May be .FLF file must be placed is IIS Application’s folder? Please help. Business Applications Programmer Sertified Navision Developer SIA “Sintegra” Latvia

Problem solved. All works fine through one session. Business Applications Programmer Sertified Navision Developer SIA “Sintegra” Latvia

Do you remember what the solution was? I have the exact same problem. Everything works fine in VB and ie. Excel VBA, but not in ASP’s VBscrípt.

Hmmmm… One year ago… Sorry [:(] i don’t remember. May be it was Windows’ security (permissions for files and registry keys), may be something else.