call report from button in the form

hi all…

i have report in ax what i need to do to call from button

1- in ax have MenuItem and 3 kind (

(1- Display 2-Outpu3-Action)

which one i use

2- in my form have Number_reg Field

what i need to do when i click the report button read only data for this Numbe_reg and open the report

This means to pass data through the parameters How do I define the number from Number_reg Field in the parameters

3 -in report had query what i need to write to in methods or create data sources to link parameters

thanks all


The best way to do it is…check any existing report how it is calling from Form and passing the Document No. to report and try yourself.

Use output menu item for reports.

You need to use the data sources in the report.

then override the initFromCaller() method in the report

Look into InventTransferOrderOverview report…