Call codeunit as a web service but getting an error Automation


I’m open a codeunit as a web service and call it from .net. All the codes run successfully but one function call a report and mail it as PDF using PDFCreator and i’m getting an automation error.

This message is for C/AL programmers: Unable to create an instance of Automation Server {2A38400B-87E2-4398-A128-FE39E29FEFF3} with CLSID = 2a38400b-87e2-4398-a128-fe39e29feff3 Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {2A38400B-87E2-4398-A128-FE39E29FEFF3} failed due to the following error: 80040154…

When i search my computer registry records , i found that PDFCreator contains {2A38400B-87E2-4398-A128-FE39E29FEFF3} clsid.

Could some one know the solution.

Hi ,

Do you have that class working from the client itself ?

Normally with each new PDFCreator version there is a new CLass ID too .
