BLOB Exporting

Hi, I have gone through a few topics on this forum discussing BLOBS. I have rarely needed to use them! BUT. I am having a problem exporting a BLOB field getting an error “You cannot Export an Empty BLOB (BLOB ref)”. [:(].(I left out the code .HASVALUE on purpose). I am doing this in a codeunit. What I cannot understand is that I am able to Export this BLOB from a Form (ref the table with the blob) using the same code : [rec.“Blob NAME”.EXPORT(‘c:\blob.txt’,FALSE);] ??? What am I missing? [:o)]

Hey, have you called calcfields(rec.“Blob Name”) before you export. In a Form where you have placed the blob form calcfield is automatically called. Fred

It worked!!! … Thanks Fred Good tip. BLOB fields are quiet usefull now that I have got over this first hurdle. All is working as I had hoped…

FYI: Blobs are not stored in the table in question, since this would then limit them to 4k. Instead they are stored in a seperate area of the database. In reality therefore they are actually flow fields of type lookup. So if you keep this in mind, you will see the logic of why they seem not to wrok some times. In your case, a Form automitcally generates a CALCFIELDS so that it can display the value.

Thanks for the info. Makes a bit more sense now. [:)].