Bills of materials

Hey there, can anyone tell me what´s about those Bills of Materials ? I want to use it, but still don´t get it. I want to create an item which includes several other items. e.g. we sell an McDonalds combo. Burger an a coke. The Price of the main item is 10 bucks. Into this “combo item” I include the burger and the coke. Burger is 7 $ on its own, coke 5 $. If i put the “combo item” in an offer it´s 10$, combo price. If i “open” the item, the burger and the coke will appear in the offer and the price is now 12$. What I want is : To book the combo into financials, 10$ and to book the 2 items out of the inventory. I hope this was not to vage, I would appreciate any kind of help.

Hi Jerry, I think in order to be able to seel the “Combo”, you’l need to post the bill of materials in the BOM journal. Then the 2 items will be posted out of inventory and the Combo in. Then you sell the Combo for 10$. In this case you don’t explode the BOM in sales and the items don’t appear. The Combo is posted out of stock in the sale. Succes, Marion

Thanx ! It works…

At what point should the BOM journal be posted? Prior to posting sale or as a periodic activity to capture all after posting multiple sales.

At the moment the warehouse needs to pick the parts and assemble the complete unit. Therefore before the sale, otherwise the complete unit will not be on stock. Marion


Originally posted by Marion: At the moment the warehouse needs to pick the parts and assemble the complete unit. Therefore before the sale, otherwise the complete unit will not be on stock. Marion

The problem that I see with this is that if the combo is sold, and only the combo shows up on the sales line, why would anyone want to have to post a BOM journal between recieving the order and posting the order? Should the system not have some sort of “backflush” or auto-BOM-journal type of a control? If I’m selling a BOM, and it doesn’t consist of a Manufacturing process, more like a “kitting” process – like selling a burger and coke together instead of seperate, why would I want to go through the step, for each order of creating the final item from the original? I’m never going to want to have stock of “Burger and Coke”, so I’ll only ever create the BOM journal when someone orders it. I guess I’m just saying is that it seems to me that there should be something automated for this type of process.


Originally posted by Westform:


Originally posted by Marion: At the moment the warehouse needs to pick the parts and assemble the complete unit. Therefore before the sale, otherwise the complete unit will not be on stock. Marion

The problem that I see with this is that if the combo is sold, and only the combo shows up on the sales line, why would anyone want to have to post a BOM journal between recieving the order and posting the order? Should the system not have some sort of “backflush” or auto-BOM-journal type of a control? If I’m selling a BOM, and it doesn’t consist of a Manufacturing process, more like a “kitting” process – like selling a burger and coke together instead of seperate, why would I want to go through the step, for each order of creating the final item from the original? I’m never going to want to have stock of “Burger and Coke”, so I’ll only ever create the BOM journal when someone orders it. I guess I’m just saying is that it seems to me that there should be something automated for this type of process.

Well, for instance, in our case we sell the “coke and burger” separate as well as in a “set”. It could also be that you can not purchase the complete set, but have to buy it as loose parts and “kit” it yourself. Of couse you could also purchase the “set”, if possible. Evidently you don’t have to post the BOM journal anymore. I think, the possibility you have to stock the set, which always has to be done, depends on the possibilities you have: purchase or BOM. Marion

This senario is the ideal example for using a Phantom item type. The phantom is an item with a bill of materials. It is not stocked, just like the Burger + coke + fries, inventory balance always = 0. When sold, the BOM components gets withdrawn from the inventory instead of the phantom. While providing a large degree of flexibility, implementing phantom items takes a lot of program development. In my Navision implementation it was worth it. Pelle