Balance Difference betwen aging and balance list(vendor and customer) report


I have differences in balances between AX aging reports and balance list. Is this normal?

The first date you choose when you run the report is “Balance As On” - for this date you want to choose the end date basically, so end of month or something. I believe you might have put in the start date, as this is normally a “start date” field when running reports.

If you run Customer Ageing Report, base the “Balance As On Date” as today, then set the “Start Date” to 01/01/2012.
Then run the Customer Balance List set the “From Date” as 01/01/2012, then set the “Report Start Date” to 01/01/2012, then finally set the “To Date” as todays date, your balances will match.

Thanks William,

I have tried your suggestion but the amounts in the two reports are still not the same. The enclosing balance for vendor balance list as at date x is still not equal to the vendor ageing report balance as on date x. It seems that the vendor ageing report amount is always larger than that of
vendor balance report amount. Shouldn’t these amounts be the same? I have noted that this does not occur to every vendor. Could it be a currency matter since some of the vendors that had this problem have a different currency that the company’s currency?

It could be currency, I would suggest you set up some data to test this then carry out a report run, make some transactions Euro, some GBP, some USD and then check values.

As I stated my balances value, and all of our transactions are done in GBP so this would tally up to the theory that it is currency.

Even you post the transactions in the originating currency (foreign) ,but always your creditor balances and book balances will show the amount in the accouting currency ( Local currency)only

As william said , pass the entries in the test database and check the results.

I will do the tests then revert. In the mean time, kindly check . Can it be due to that?

using different currencies aren’t a problem. Do you have differences from the beginning you worked with ax ?

We used to have also some minor differences and it was due to the upload from our old ERP to new AX. We just adjusted our balances with a misceleanous journal and problem was solved

Kurt Dekort,

We have now four financial periods 2008-2009,2009-2010,2010-2011 and 2011-2012. I have drilled down and realized that the differences in the few vendors are originating from one specific period (2008-2009) though in our case, we didn’t upload anything from another ERP. We’ve worked with AX since. I would also appreciate if you provide more details on doing the miscellaneous journals to adjust the balances in the two reports to match


One of the probable cause for difference in aging is because of the ledgers selection and transactions.

For example, if you have different ledger for prepayment transaction than you need to consider that ledger also for matching balances.

i will suggest you to analyse the ledger at the back-end, which all ledgers are being used for posting AR and the difference in balance.


I have the similar problem when aging report is running not at current/today date, it show different closing balance in customer balance list report. After drill down to customer transaction detail, I found the different is from exchange rate adjustment. during period closing. If the invoice stay open after closing and you are running report back dated to one or few month ago.