AX2012, Minimum profit warning

AX2012 …

I am struggling to find an answer to this question, perhaps looking to hard and missing the obvious, can you help?

On a sales order line, is there anyway of warning that the item(s) are being sold below a (pre-defined) minimum profit margin.
I would like this to be a global setting (company / warehouse), i.e. a generic warning against all items if that’s possible.

Any ideas?

With this in mind, if the item(s) are sold even after the warning, it would be nice to understand who and why they ignored the warnings and decided to carry on and sell these items

Thanks in advance

There is nothing as standard to achieve this. I have modified it to specific requests in the past, but it can also become a piece of string you keep pulling [:D]

[:)] …lol … Thanks … did guess as much, but its always worth asking before making any decisions

It is the last bit, who, why, and reasons. So you start doing calculations on a base price, or from a TA and then you may get minimum margins and reason codes why the sale is being processed with a user. Then you may start having authorisation of this, which means you stop the order, then you have review levels and it goes on and on and on [:D]

Yeah …it can do …

Best to warn only (but optional to stop until authorised by another user / manager, and yes, levels of authorisation by user / role and levels etc) … but to continue with the order, the user would be asked why either from reason codes or free text. These sales that have been made below the minimum would need to be captured and reported on … reviewed by management, as an when.

Stage approach … 1st the warning, at least users are aware they are selling below the required minimum profit … 2nd … warning and to continue, users need to record why …3rd …warning / stop … user has to have the correct authorisation to continue, or suspend the order, seek high authorisation from management, higher management sanctions the order (or lines), original user can then continue.

There is a lot of thought to be had here, where in the process to the warnings get triggered, at pick note stage, delivery note or invoice … (delivery and / or invoice would be better). But 1st … I would like at a minimum to be able to warn users that this item is being sold for less then the required profit margin.

I also understand that there are reports that will show the profit margins …but this is after the event …

As you said … requirements can go on and on …at least I have a starting point, and an every expanding document …

Thanks for your comments

Good post , which would useful to others also.