AX2009 Workflow on salesTable - Resubmit causes to create a new workflow


I am using AX2009. I define a workflow on salesTable, such that users need to approve before posting invoice.

I have two outputs - Approve or Reject.

I encounter a problem of workflow status.

Whenever managers reject, the workflow is still running.

When workers re-submit, the salesTable has two workflows running. The first one is the original workflow, the second one is the re-submit workflow.

How can I avoid two workflows?

In my case, when workers re-submit, AX should continue the original workflow.

Thank you in advance.


In fact, what I need to do would be either

  1. When reject, “End” the current workflow. Then when users re-submit, start a new workflow


  1. When reject, keep the current workflow exist. When users re-submit, continue to work on current workflow.

Any suggestion?



I am running into the same issue. Did you come across a solution?
