AX Report-item name display length very long and Round of real value


In Ax reports,i have display the itemcode ,itemname,inv_qty.while i converting the report as pdf,itemname and inv_qty are mixed…Need solution for this…please find attachment for your reference.

Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Helpppppppppppppppppppppp ?

You have a few options:-

  • Make the item name field dynamic height and set length of say 25/30 characters so it wraps on 2 lines.
  • Push fields over to the right, so there is extra space for the item name
  • Allign all your fields to the right of the item name field as Right Alligned so they are all furher away (this may not create enough space).


thank u for ur reply. i tried but it not working…

This is a spacing issue, when you move things over the fields gap must get larger.

If you are still having issues I will take a look at the XPO if you want as it should be simple to fix.


sorry for delay reply…the issue has fixed its working fine.i made a mistaken for set the itemname height column width,i changed this to auto and then set the dynamics height yes.its working fine…thanks a lot.

Its ok bala… If u have any doubt in dynamics… call me i will clear you