AX 2012 Product Number Entry Replicated in Product Name Search Name Fields

In AX 2012 Released Products, while manually entering product number the entered value is replicated in Product Name, Search Name, Company specific identification-> Search name. User needs to delete the data in all the fields and type as per their requirement. Any solution in AX 2012 for the above issue.

In AX 2009, when we enter Item number it will not replicate and the Item description typed will be replicated in search name. This will save lot time for the user.

Unfortunately different customers have different requirements and it’s impossible to design common logic that would meet all of them in the same time.

Fortunately you can easily customize code inside AX. This particular logic is implemented is in form EcoRecProductCreate, control Identification_ProductNumber, method modified().

I don’t think it’s an issue but the logic on which the system is built upon. In AX2012 Product number represents unique identification across the organization and Item number represents unique identification across the legal entity. So while you select these fields the Search Name, Product Name fields default automatically for you. We need to change them accordingly.

Thanks for your reply.
