AX 2009 Export and Import Data


I have Export the data Invent Table Templates and add the item newly created then Import into the AX 2009 In the procedure Administrator ->Data export / import → Excel Spreadsheets → Microsoft Office Excel import .

Then I got the Info 70 records are Inserted Successfully.

When I verified Inventory → Item Details there no record, But when I Checked the AOT → Invent Table the all record are viewed.

How can I get the Data into Inventory → Item Details Menu.

Plz help me out what mistake I am Doing…


Table InventTableModule and InventItemLocation is related to InventTable on inner join. so make sure that your import process is inserting data corresponding to each itemId in these two tables.

Hi Reyaz,

Thanks for your reply.

Table InventItemLocation there is no any data and I have import the ItemId and Dimension it was successfully imported and viewed.

But Still I cant able to view the item in the Inventory Module Common Forms → Item Details there is no data help me out what mistake I am doing…

Basically you cannot just import into the InventTable, you have to import into all tables to make it work. Alternatively run the consistency check and see what happens.

hi AdamRoue,

Thanks for your reply,

I want to import the new Item in the Inventory → Common Forms → Item details

How to import in all table at a time plz can u help me…


You make a single templete for all three tables InventTable,InventTableModule and InventItemLocation.Fill data into templete with proper relationship and use this templete for import.

Hi Reyaz,

Thanks for your reply,

But I have Export the Templates of all the 3 tables and add the data into that templates and Import the info is 70 records transfer, 70 record imported.

After Synchronized But, Still I not viewed the Item in the Inventory → Common Forms → Item details

Please help me out…

Hi gajendiran,

When did you encounter that problem? I’m also having difficulties to see the overview of my items in Item Details. I hope someone could help us…


Hi Schneizer,

There must be the simultaneous entries for Sales, Purchase and Invent record in “InventTableModule” table for a particular item.

I have attached a screen shot for the sample item “1000” and its related records in “InventTableModule” table. You can manually fire a SQL query from sql server query editor to insert the dummy entries in “InventTableModule” table for each of the 3 records (Sales, Purchase and Invent) for a particular item. These (3) records are differentiate by the “ModuleType” field in the table.

Hope this helps.

hi Ashlesh,

I have checked my InventTableModule, and nothing seems to be wrong in it…any advice or suggestions? I still can’t view my items in the item details. Thanks in advance!



Your InventTableModule table contains 3 entries for a single item?

three entries is for Invent,Sales and Purchase. Pl. verify.

Hi Gajendiran,

Visit link below,

Thanks & Regards,

Mehul Thacker

Have you run the consistency check?