Automatic Load of Objects

Is there any tool to load automatically new/updated objects in Navision clients on different servers. At the moment we have to export the new/updated objects form our “Master”-System and log-on to the different servers to update each client manual. It would be a big tiem relief if we could do this automatically. Thanks Dan

Well, basically it is possible, but tricky … 1. Option: Create a script for the “Windows Scripting Host” to import the fob 2. Option: Export each single object from you “master” into a single file by exporting the BLOB reference of the object (of system “Object” table); e.g. ExportObject() IF NOT Object.GET(“Object Type”, ‘’, “Object ID”) THEN EXIT; CLEAR(Filename); FileDialog.Filter := Text001; FileDialog.ShowSave(); Filename := FileDialog.FileName; IF (Filename <> ‘’) THEN BEGIN Object.CALCFIELDS(“BLOB Reference”); IF Object.“BLOB Reference”.HASVALUE THEN Object.“BLOB Reference”.EXPORT(Filename, FALSE); END; On the “slaves” now you can import the BLOB Reference again; e.g. ImportObject() IF NOT Object.GET(“Object Type”, ‘’, “Object ID”) THEN BEGIN IF NOT CONFIRM(Text002, FALSE, “Object Type”, “Object ID”) THEN EXIT; IF NOT Object.RECORDLEVELLOCKING THEN Object.LOCKTABLE(TRUE); Object.INIT; Object.Type := “Object Type”; Object.“Company Name” := ‘’; Object.ID := “Object ID”; Object.Name := ‘New Object’; Object.Compiled := TRUE; Object.INSERT(TRUE); END ELSE IF NOT CONFIRM(Text003, FALSE, “Object Type”, “Object ID”) THEN EXIT; CLEAR(Filename); FileDialog.Filter := Text001; FileDialog.ShowOpen(); Filename := FileDialog.FileName; IF (Filename <> ‘’) THEN BEGIN IF NOT Object.RECORDLEVELLOCKING THEN Object.LOCKTABLE(TRUE); Object.“BLOB Reference”.IMPORT(Filename, FALSE); Object.Modified := TRUE; Object.Date := TODAY; Object.Time := TIME; Object.MODIFY(TRUE); END; To do this automatically you could use the “Job Scheduler” or ExpandIT “Launch Utility” ( Hope this helps a little … Regards,

Thanks, could you please give me an example for the Windows Scripting Host ? At the moment i cannot imagine how to connect to Navision and to import with this. Regards, Dan

Sorry, I can’t … we are doing it with the binary import/export stuff … but here a link to some valuable info and examples about the WSH: Once I tried it with the WSH, but I never finished (sorry, have no more script-tries); it should start like that <package> <job id="importobjects"> <script language="JScript"> var WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell"); WshShell.Run("C:\Program Files\Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision\fin.exe id=template.zup"); WScript.Sleep(500); WshShell.SendKeys ("+{F12}"); WScript.Sleep(100); WshShell.SendKeys("%fo"); </script> </job> </package>


It would be a big tiem relief if we could do this automatically.
Originally posted by hoed - 2005 Nov 17 : 07:00:37

It could be done with the Replicator for Navision as well. See (again: I do NOT get any commission. But I like the solution)