
Any of you who konws what the AutoFormatType 10 is supposed to do?

Function 12 (AutoFormatTranslate) in codeunit 1 has the folowing code line:

10: EXIT(’<Custom,’ + AutoFormatExpr + ‘>’);

What is the purpose of it?

The description of the AutoFormatType only mentions values 0, 1, 2.

Never saw that one, and I guess that the real question here is what does the <Custom,x> formatting option mean?

Checking the FIN.STX I saw that besides the normal options (Standard Format, Filler, 1000Character, Comma, Overflow, Filler Character and Precision) then Custom is also listed here.

I tried using it in a report and just got an error. So either there is some good explanation like an unsupported feature (which I would to hear more about) or it’s just a remain of something they once planned to implement but forgot all about (like the other remains you can find in FIN.STX like C/DART and C/PLEX).

Read my lips, Erik.

Well, nobody seems to know, so I have entered a Service Request at MS. Let’s see what we get from there.

And the answer is (in my own wording):

Apparently some special formatting, however not used throughout the whole application and might have been something special once. So ignore it.

So just a confirmation of what I and Erik expected and I suggested MS to get rid of it.

Apparently it is of use now in NAV 2015: read the msdn help topic Formatting the Data in a Field.

Thank you for following up on this! [:)]

You’re welcome, Erik.

Actually I was searching the Internet in the AutoFormatType and bumped onto this post again … :wink:

I know Luc, I always does the same, if I bump into one of my old posts with a new problem… [:)]

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