I have searched the forum and found some relevant information regarding my topic, but am unsure whether the info answers my questions. I have tried my best to determine whether I am using ADO with C/ODBC. Here is an example of the asp code that I have. Am I in fact using ADO? Someone told me that I am using OLE DB and not ADO. Set objRS = Server.CreateObject (“ADODB.RecordSet”) Set objConn = Server.CreateObject (“ADODB.Connection”) objConn.Open conStr set objRS = objConn.Execute(“SELECT Web_Order_Integration FROM Courier_Setup”) While not objRS.EOF webOrderInt = objRS.Fields (0) objRS.MoveNext wend I found the following statement on Microsoft’s site:


ADO is not supported by our C/ODBC driver since it uses OLE DB. When using VB, VBA, or VB script or any other language, use DAO to connect to our database and not ADO.

The “it” in the first sentence…does it refer to ADO or C/ODBC? If “it” refers to ADO then does this mean that C/ODBC does not support ADO and OLE DB? What is an example of DAO to connect to the db? I have a native Navision db. Thanks.

The “it” refers to ADO. While the comment says it’s not supported, you can use ADO with C/ODBC. ADO can use many OLE-DB providers, and one of these providers is Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC. I have used ADO with C/ODBC successfully; however, updating the database was not smooth if you use rs.update, although I made it work. It’s best to use SQL and the Execute method if you want to update the database.

Move to SQL forum,