Archiving Purchase Orders in Navision

Need a MACRO to streamline archiving process. 12 mouse-clicks into 1. Will save my hundreds of man hours each year.

At my company we use Navision to place purchase orders among a myriad of other tasks but purchase orders are my primary focus. When a purchase order has been completed there is a total of 12 mouse clicks to take the purchase order from being “Released” to saving the final PDF of the purchase order.

I would like to create a macro so when I “Release” the purchase order it will automate the process of archiving, naming and printing out the purchase order. We have our program set up so that the purchase orders are always stored in the same location, printed by the same printer and then saved as a PDF in the same location every time.

What are your thoughts on this idea? I’m pretty new to Navision but I have a solid understanding of our methodology and the steps I need to expedite.

Thank you!

Hi Sean,

That can be done but why you want make it in one click. As its a Standard Process. Standard Process are built by making much analysis.

Which version are you using?

You can check Post with Job Queue option in Purchases & Payables Setup setup.