AIF - Purchase Order Packing Slip Service

I am looking to find any info on the out-of-the-box PO Packing slip service for the AIF in DAX 2009. I haven’t been able to find anything related to an AIF service that can Post a PO packing slip so any help would be appreciated.

I am working with a third party who insists that this service exists. However, my inability to find anything related to it has me questioning if it really exists. I searched the forum here and didn’t find much nor did i find anything with google.

There is no such service , however there is a service for posting a Sales Order packing slip. If you need that then you should create your own.

As Fabricio mentioned there is no such PO packing slip service but what I’ll suggest that you create a new table and a web service in order to insert the data in the new table from an external application.After getting the data in AX table you can post in internally.

There is a create method in the web service classes which inserts the data.After execution of create method you can write the code in order to post the PO Packing slip.

Thanks for the help [:)]


I created new Query taking PurchTable and PurchLine and generated the service.

After adding the reference to visual studio am trying to create new PO but failed to do.

I am getting an exception saying that “Group must be filled in” in …xpath…PurchTable[1]/PurchLine[1]

But there is no such field called “Group” in PurchTable or PurchLine.

why am getting this error ,any idea ?

Hi Nathan,

I have to invoice a PO packingslip by AIF in ax 2012, Have you found any solution regarding this.

Could you share some idea or logic how you resolved that issue.
