Aged AR Report only showing > 90 Days

Does anyone know of a way to filter the base Navision 2.60 Aged AR report to show only accounts that are past 90 days? I would prefer not to modify this report if I don’t have to. Thanks,

I think the only solution here is to modify the report. The problem is that if you just move the Aged As of Date back 90 days, you will see everything which was open 90 days ago but has since been paid. With this report, it is always a good thing to know what’s it is doing before you try to change it. Chris Krantz NCSD,NCSQL,MCSD,MCSE Microforum Inc. Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Chris is right. And if you’re going to make the modification, you have to get into the code. Just making the Customer Ledger Entry tab visible and attempting to filter on the Posting Date isn’t enough. Dave Studebaker Liberty Grove Software A Navision Services Partner