Adding quantity in item ledger entry report in typical way ?

Hello Guys,

I have taken a data item i.e item ledger entry with three fields namely item no. , posting date , description and quantity , now i have filtered description as per posting date and want to add the corresponding quantity in such a way i.e

if the quantity is 2 , 3 and 7 in the first three fields then it will show results in report like 2 in first field , 5 in 2nd field and 12 in 3rd field respectively and so on.

can any body help me with this issue.

it is Possible by Taken a local/Global Variable quantity and print that at output…i mean in table of report.
and in On aftergetrecord
write like this

quantityL := quantityL + itemledgerentry.Quantity;

But you have write some Other code to find respective item for calculating quatity…

Let me Know if you need Any Help