Account number for transaction type customer revenue does not exist - AX 2012

Hi All ,

When i try to post the Free text invoice system has been thrown by the following error .

Account number for transaction type customer revenue does not exist - AX 2012 CU7

Even i have done the configuration properly as explained below.

A) Account receivable main account ( 12000) and sales revenue main account ( 54000 )are already in the Account structure .

B) Above account structure already attached in the ledger form

C) Account Receivable main account mapped in the customer posting profile.

D) Same profile already attached in the Account Receivable parameters.

I did not understand still why i am getting the above error.

Did i miss any other setup ?

Thanks in advance.

Dear Lally,

check the revenue account in item group.

item is linked with which item group, open then item group and in sales tab check for the revenue account.