Workflow bar disappearing after submission.. in AX 2012

Hi All,

I have created a customized workflow in AX 2012 on Price/ Discount Agreement journal…

Created proper configuration for workflow…

When i am creating a new journal Workflow bar is coming, but after submission of workflow , workflow bar suddenly disappears…

Not able to understand the problem why it is disappearing…

Can anyone please help…

Thanks and regards

Aman Gupta


Aman Gupta

Hi Aman,

Am facing the same issue, could you please explain me how you resolved it…?



Hi Satish,

Actually i was tagging the wrong Workflow type in “Submit” method of WorkflowTypeSubmitmanager class…

“WorkflowTypeName workflowTypeName =workflowtypestr()”

After tagging correct Workflow type it started running fine…

Hope this helps…


Aman Gupta

Hi Aman,

Thanks for your reply.

Even me too pointed to wrong workflowtype, after pointing it to the correct workflowtype it worked…

Once again thank you…

