Worker Deletion


I woulde like to remove the 3 workers from HR, but while removing 2 workers its giving error message “Worker cannot be deleted while dependent Position work assignment exit. Delete dependent position worker assignment and try again”, and when m deleting the 3rd worker error says “A financial dimension value is based on the 000001 record and has been used on a transaction. You cannot delete the 0000001 record”.

Kindly check and need assistance…


Employee is linked with a position. You need to delete the position and then only you can delete the employee.

employees>workerposition assignments form. (unfortunately there is no delete button in the form). delete the record from the table - “HCMpositionworkerassignment” table. filter with worker id and delete.

seems employee is considered as financial dimension for your legal entity and a transactions is posted by using this employee. So, you cant delete this employee as it’s used in the financial transaction.