Client upgraded the OS version from Windows 7 to Windows 8 and now facing issue in Report Preview and print
The report preview look okay on Windows 7 OS but it shows small fonts when preview on windows 8 and print also like that
Any idea how to resolve this ?
Navision version :- 2009 R2 classic client
OS :- Windows 8 64 bit
Hi Amol ,
Is it a custom font ? I have been using 2009 R2 on 8.1 w/o any issue.
Seems like you had this question back in Jan. am I right ?
I suppose right-clicking on desktop and selecting “Make Text and Other Items Larger or Smaller” doesn’t work, right?
No There is no Customized font .It is standard font ‘Helvetica’ font used in classic report.
Yes I had this question back also
It is working perfectly in Windows 7 but on Windows 8 OS it is showing small fonts specially in Report preview and print
Yes Manish I know that I have posted this earlier too. but till date i could not find any solution for this.
Is it a network printer or a shared printer ?
Would it be possible to connect the same printer on Windows 8 PC directly and check.
It is shared printer
I tried with Local printer too but same problem.
Finally I found some solution
I set the devicefontname on Report to Arial and change all the contents font to Arial and it works .
Thanks for the all input.