Why single table source in Forms?

Hi, I have a doubt regarding forms in Navision. Why is it that the forms available allow the display of a single table source only? Is there any way in which i could display data from 2 different tables(related) on the same form? I am not getting how this is useful. Thanks and Regards, Priya.

Hi, I’m sorry to say this is the way navision works. A form is a view to a table with all tools provided for nextrecord/findrecord insert/modify delete etc. If you want other tables you can either make a subform for it like on the sales and purchase documents, or write some functions for it like the shortcut dimensions on the Sales Order Subform.

Hi, There are ways to display 2 tables on 1 form. Take a look at this post: http://www.mbsonline.org/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=3041&SearchTerms=2,tables,1,form


Why is it that the forms available allow the display of a single table source only?

Uh, don’t know. That’s just the way it is. To keep it simple probably. [;)]

The reason is quite simple really. Navision provides standard navigation in the core application, by use of the VCR buttons, the ones that you can use to step through the records. If a form would have more than one source table, the system would not know which records to navigate. It’s just a design choice that they made. Either give this standard behavior so it won’t have to programmed on every single form, or allow more than one source table. Quite frankly I agree with their choice, since there are many ways to show data from other tables on a form.

You can display more than one recordset (table) on a form but, you will need to add the table as a variable and have it displayed in a ‘subform’. Then depending on what part of the form you are ‘focused’ on, the VCR buttons should step through the records of whatever recordset you are on. Quote: “2 different tables(related) on the same form?” Quote: The standard way: Look at the Sales Order form - Form 42. This displays 2 tables information on one form (although there is a subform involved). If you would like some help regarding a bespoke solution, email me direct.

Technically, that is still only one table per form, but you’re right that is one of the ways to display more than one table on one form and still be able to use the VCR buttons.

Absolutely - I was merely providing a ‘work around’ for his request