which regular table "endingbalance" calculated for per month in the Trial Balance form

Hi All,

I want to know which regular table ending balance is calculated “Permonth” from the trial balance form.

Please see the below screenshots for your reference.

generaljournalaccountentry table is store “AccountingCurrencyAmount” sum of the this “AccountingCurrencyAmount” is display in the ending balance of “LedgerTrialBalanceListPageTmp” table.I want to know from which regular table ending balance coming for this temp table “LedgerTrialBalanceListPageTmp”.

I think it is from \Data Dictionary\Tables\DimensionFocusBalance

Try debugging for mode details, \Data Dictionary\Tables\LedgerTrialBalanceListPageTmp\Methods\constructBalances

Hi kranthi

I am not able to debug this method.debugger is not hitting this method.

when this method will be hit.

Have you tried by opening the list page after adding the breakpoint?

The method runs on the server. Have you enabled the server side debugging?

Yes…I have enabled the debugger on the server.

Now debugger is hitting.

For this table “DimensionFocusBalance” record is not selected

what do you mean by that?

I think the code uses a set based operation to insert the records into temp table from DimensoinFocusBalance

Hi Kranthi,

while debugging not seen any buffer for the “DimenionFocusBalance” table.

Can you tell me the relation to retrieve cost for the “DimensionFocusBalance” table

Have you looked at \Classes\LedgerTrialBalanceDP\populateTmpTransSummary?

Hi Kranthi,

I have debugged above method not getting any before record for this table “LedgerTrialBalanceStagingTmp”.

What does that mean? The method uses insert_recorset to insert records into LedgerTrialBalanceStagingTmp table,so you wont see any value on that buffer while debugging.