Where Can I Buy this Books?

Hi All!

I want to buy some books for the Ms Nav certification, this book are aviable at:

but this site do not sent this book to my country, (there is not the name of my cantyr in the list of new custumer registration)
where can I find this books maybe and in pdf format, the books that i am searching are :

  1. C/SIDE Solution Development in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009
  2. Application Setup in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009
  3. Finance in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009
  4. Introduction to Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009
  5. Business Intelligence for Information Workers in Microsoft Dynamics NAV
  6. NAV 2009 Installation & Configuration


Welcome to forum!

Seems you happen to live in a country, where online (Internet shops) trade is problematic…

Part of titles you mentioned are published by Microsoft Press - try to contact your local Microsoft office.

Hovever, site you wrote about in your post isn’t the only one offering these books. You can look up there the ISBN code (unique worldwide indentifier, given to almost all printed materials - books, newspapers, journals etc) for book on question and try to search for it elsewhere - for example, Amazon, but in this case use amazon.de, otherwise your order will be processed by Amazon in US, not Europe and you can end up with the same problem - they may reject delivery to Albania…

At amazon.de and amazon.com there are not aviabile this book.

Can some one to post any link where i can buy in pdf format.


Have you checked out these books here from the Dynamics User Group’s Books Catalog?

I’m afraid these titles are not available in PDF - as these are not manuals or training courses, but copyrighted independent author’s work.

Hi all, sorry for long time absence. I was on vacation !

Sure they can send you the books. Just place your order here http://msdynamicsbooks.com/contact_us.php?language=en if ou still need the books.

They will answer you and suggest a way to send it also to your country!

